Ever since I can remember, I have been curious and adventurous. Growing up, I found a way to turn these virtues into a thriving career. A career that has been a manifestation of my passion for
physics, astronomy and problem solving.
My resume has been a reflection of my appreciation towards a wide variety of life experiences. In addition to my education and accolades, it also includes my research publications and talks, various teaching responsibilities and
public outreach and STEM initiatives.

Interests and Experiences
My primary research interests are in strong gravity and cosmology, mostly involving Gravitational Waves (GW). I'm drawn to research that bridges numerical and theoretical approaches, where insights from both can drive a more comprehensive understanding.
I am a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and LISA Consortium, as a part of which I work on applying GW data analysis to probing gravity and potentially cosmology. Currently, I am studying GWs generated by coalescing Binary Black Holes (BBH) and investigating the `false' causes of deviations from General Relativity (GR) due to missing GR physics and astrophysics in BBH waveform template.